Reasons to use a REALTOR when selling a home
Selling at the right price
A REALTOR knows the value of real estate in your area and can intelligently determine the fair market value of your home
Works only with qualified buyers
A REALTOR has access to pre-screened prospects who are really serious about buying a home
Better marketing means quicker sale
A REALTOR invests in the sale of your home by advertising the property to gain maximum results and by promoting the property through a multiple listings service (MLS)
Show your home in the best possible light
A REALTOR is an expert at developing ways to make your home more sellable. Often a few minor improvements can increase the speed of the sale as well as the selling price
Helpful financing tips
A REALTOR can assist the buyer in obtaining a mortgage and can help guide the buyer through the details and stress of escrow, closing, property taxes and the down payment
If you would like more information, please contact Kathy
[email protected] (562) 884-1863
[email protected] (562) 884-1863